How to Cook Authentic Italian Pasta with Mama Fifi

Hello there, it’s the team at Mama Fifi here, writing to teach you how to wow your friends and family with authentic Italian pasta dishes.

Nonna used to make it just perfect, and luckily, she taught everything she knew to us, so let's get you making something gustoso (or pop into Mama Fifi’s Restaurant if you're feeling lazy).

With Mama Fifi’s expertise, we’ll teach you the key techniques and introduce you to essential ingredients that will elevate your pasta-making skills.

By the end, you’ll be equipped to cook five delectable Italian pasta dishes straight from Mama Fifi’s kitchen.

The Essence of Authentic Italian Pasta

Brief History

Pasta has a rich history that dates back to ancient times.

Initially considered a food for the elite, pasta quickly became a staple in Italian households due to its versatility, and as production costs went down, it soon became the food for the people.

Over the centuries, it has evolved into a beloved culinary symbol of Italian culture.

Core Ingredients

The foundation of authentic Italian pasta lies in its ingredients.

High-quality semolina flour, fresh eggs, and extra virgin olive oil are essential. These ingredients ensure that your pasta has the perfect texture and flavour that is characteristic of traditional Italian cuisine.

Importance of Fresh Ingredients

Using fresh, high-quality ingredients is paramount in Italian cooking.

Fresh eggs and semolina flour create the perfect dough, while fresh herbs and vegetables enhance the flavours of your dishes.

Mama Fifi believes that the freshness of ingredients can make or break a meal.

As a side note, there is zero shame in using dried pasta.

It is delicious when paired with the correct sauce… But, fresh pasta is really something else. If you can nail homemade fresh pasta, you’ll have some friends that will keep insisting the dinner party is at yours.

Key Techniques for Perfect Pasta

Making Fresh Pasta

Ingredients and Equipment Needed

  • 200g of high-quality semolina flour

  • 2 large fresh eggs

  • A pinch of salt

  • Rolling pin or pasta machine

Mixing and Kneading the Dough

  1. On a clean surface, form a well with the flour.

  2. Crack the eggs into the well and add a pinch of salt.

  3. Gradually mix the eggs with the flour using a fork until a dough forms.

  4. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.

  5. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest for at least 30 minutes.

Rolling Out and Cutting the Pasta

  1. Divide the rested dough into smaller portions.

  2. Roll out each portion using a rolling pin or pasta machine until thin.

  3. Cut the dough into your desired shape (tagliatelle, fettuccine, etc.).

Cooking Dried Pasta

Proper Water-to-Pasta Ratio

Use plenty of water to cook your pasta—about 4-6 quarts per pound of pasta. This prevents the pasta from sticking together and ensures even cooking.

Importance of Salting the Water

Salt the water generously once it reaches a rolling boil. This is the only chance to season the pasta itself. 

Cooking Times for Different Pasta Shapes

Follow the package instructions for cooking times, but taste the pasta a minute or two before the suggested time. The goal is to achieve "al dente," where the pasta is cooked but still firm to the bite.

Cooking it al dente, will allow the pasta to suck up some of the sauce you build when you toss the two together. Soggy pasta is a big no. 

Sauce Preparation

Balancing Flavors

Traditional Italian sauces often rely on simple, fresh ingredients. Balance flavours by using fresh herbs, quality olive oil, and ripe tomatoes.

Achieving the Right Consistency

The sauce should coat the pasta evenly without being too thick or too watery. Adjust the consistency by adding pasta water as needed.

Timing the Sauce with the Pasta

To ensure perfect timing, start preparing the sauce while the pasta cooks. Combine the pasta with the sauce just before serving for optimal flavour integration.

Five Great Italian Pasta Dishes in Barnet from Mama Fifi

Introduction to the Menu

Mama Fifi’s menu features five classic Italian pasta dishes, each with its unique flair and significance in Italian cuisine. Let’s explore these mouth-watering recipes.



  • King prawns

  • Cream

  • Courgette

  • Garlic

  • White wine

Preparation Steps

  1. Sauté garlic in olive oil until fragrant.

  2. Add the courgette and cook until tender.

  3. Pour in white wine and let it reduce.

  4. Add the king prawns and cook until pink.

  5. Stir in the cream and let it simmer.

  6. Toss with freshly cooked tagliatelle and serve.



  • Smoked pancetta

  • Eggs

  • Black pepper

  • Parmesan

Preparation Steps

  1. Cook pancetta until crispy.

  2. Whisk eggs and Parmesan together in a bowl.

  3. Cook spaghetti until al dente.

  4. Combine hot pasta with the pancetta.

  5. Remove from heat and quickly mix in the egg mixture.

  6. Season with black pepper and serve immediately.

Dish 3: RIGATONI ALLA NORMA (£12.90) (V)


  • Rigatoni

  • Tomato sauce

  • Aubergines

  • Fresh basil

  • Ricotta

Preparation Steps

  1. Fry diced aubergines until golden brown.

  2. Add tomato sauce and simmer.

  3. Cook rigatoni until al dente.

  4. Toss pasta with the sauce.

  5. Top with fresh basil and ricotta before serving.



  • Spaghetti

  • Tomato sauce

  • Fresh basil

Preparation Steps

  1. Heat tomato sauce in a pan.

  2. Cook spaghetti until al dente.

  3. Combine pasta with the sauce.

  4. Garnish with fresh basil and serve.

Dish 5: MAMA’S LASAGNE (£14.90)


  • Fresh layers of pasta

  • Slow-cooked bolognese sauce

  • Béchamel

  • Mozzarella

  • Parmesan

Preparation Steps

  1. Layer bolognese sauce, béchamel, and pasta sheets in a baking dish.

  2. Repeat layers, finishing with a generous amount of mozzarella and Parmesan.

  3. Bake until golden and bubbly.

So what next?

Obviously, you should come and try our dishes first to get a real feel for them.

Then, and only then, should you go home and recreate these classic dishes at home. I mean, how would you know you have honoured the dish without tasting it being cooked perfectly first?

Mama Fifi is inviting you to come and be a part of our fantastic menu, we openly invite you to come, experience our pasta dishes in barnet, and then experiment with the recipes at home.

Food is love, and sometimes you’ve gotta just share the love.

Get in touch to find out more.


How to Cook Authentic Italian Pizza: A Guide by Mama Fifi


The Joy of Bringing Italian Food to Barnet